Personalized Beginner Workout: Week 1, Day 1

I was a bit unhappy with the Crossfit beginner workout routine, so I modified it and crossbred it with the now famous "Men's Journal" beginner workout.

I'll post it later, but for today it was:
As many rounds as possible in 20 min:
3 pullups
6 pushups
9 squats

I pulled 13 rounds. My pullup bar is too short, and it's actually suspended, not fixed, so things might get better on a better bar.

Round 5 started with some little hops on the pullups, by round 10 it was 100% jumping pullups. Pushups stayed good; squats continue to be the easiest of the 3. And of course, by the end I was dizzy and wrecked.

Welcome back!!!

That workout is posted HERE


Anonymous said...

Did you use weight on the squats?just the bar or what?

Anonymous said...

You should use weight, depending on where you are starting, if you have never done them before, perform bodyweight until you have mastered form, after that, sure, use a bar, or dumbbells, or milkjugs, or whatever!!

Jerid E. Krulish said...

Since this is the beginning workout, you should just do air squats.